Monday, September 24, 2007

"Now is the time"

Well the time has come to put all of the training into action.
Its time to remember all the cold mornings with the gang out at wildwood road climbing hills for hours, its time to remember all the hard yards running off the bike and many sessions in the pool.
My weight has been slowly (yes slowly) coming off which is the right sign! :)
So where am I going you ask ... The Gold Coast awaits!
Sunday 30th September 2007 - Gold Coast half ironman.
This will be the time for me to have a crack and give it all I have.
A big thanks to all of those that have helped me -
  • Komo
  • Damo
  • Princess
  • Jimmy D
  • Archie
  • Big Pete
  • Big Boy
  • Jess
  • and many others ( sorry if I missed you)
  • oh ... thats right ... and Matty Tippet ... you da man!:)
It's all up to me now
I'll let you know how I go
"Pain is in your Mind"



Megs said...

Good luck Caff Boy. Smash it.. i'm sure you will.. looking forward to hearing your results.


Anonymous said...

You have done the work Brother. It's now time to Smash it!


Anonymous said...

Good luck Caff, you've done the hard work so now it's time for your PB. SMASH SMASH SMASH!! :)


Anonymous said...

Best of luck Ken hope all goes well. Don't forget to
