Saturday, September 8, 2007

"Tough Week"

Well it's been a tough week at work and training. As we know, work pays the bills and allows me to train & participate in the amazing sport of Ironman. This week has shown me that know matter what challenges I face, I can manage them in a way that delivers a successful outcome for all.
I have also shown myself that I can combine the two (work & training) when the pressure is on both and come out on the other side better for it.
With only 3 weeks from Gold Coast Half Ironman, I'm starting to get pumped up and it's now time to "switch on". This is what we all train for ...... racing!
I wouldn't call it luck, however I'm blessed to have an awesome bunch of training partners /athletes in the same corner that provide inspiration, motivation & most of all share the same hard work as we all do. Combine this with Coach Mat, and we as a team have a very successful formula.
The body is feeling ok - well a few sore spots are starting to appear but nothing that wont be ironed out over the next week or two
Today consisted of a strong swim session - this is just the build into tomorrow which for me is a "race day rehearsal".

I'm sure I'll provide you with a wrap up of the day
Until then, time for me to rest and maybe a BIG cup of Coffee

1 comment:

Komo said...


Good work! Just h8 when work gets in the way of play though but like you said, it pays those bills and lets us get all those cool toys for this cheap sport, NOT!!!

SMASH it to pieces tomorrow, remember this mantra! IKHTH - I Know How To Hurt

"I want to replace my soul with coffee and become immortal" - Wally from Dilbert ;)

Over and Out,
