Friday, October 5, 2007

"Not the end result I was looking for"

The the Gold Coast HIM has come and gone and needless to say - I didnt rget the result I was after.
As the day panned out, the run took its toll on me - i'm still not sure whether or not it was physical or mental ... perhaps both!!
A little wrap up for you all

Swim : 400 grams of caffeine doesn’t help! Felt calm in the water however after about 900mtrs my arms & shoulders became very heavy and I didn’t feel like I had any power.

Bike : as soon as I got on the bike I felt happy. I knew I was moving well as no-one was passing me and I was picking up plenty of people.

Got half way and told myself to relax and get my heart rate down – which I did. I was continually telling myself to relax and be ready for the run. I span the legs for the last 500m or so at a high cadence and was getting out of the saddle when I could so to make sure to stretch my back.

Run :

I got off the bike feeling ok – ran off at some type of pace for the first few hundred metres. I got to the 1 k mark and spewed up but wasn’t feeling too bad.

Continued to spew for the next 35 minutes or so – at the same time I kept telling myself that my legs will come.- well they didn’t until I had a crack with 2 k to go.

Was it mental – Yes.

Was I tuff enough - NO!!

I wasn’t tuff enough to have a total crack on the run - this is something I need to learn

So for me - its back to the drawing board. With only being in this sport for 12 months now, I still have lots to learn and we all know that you can learn a lot from your mistakes!! :) ..... And plenty were made.

So no time to rest, back into it.

Until we next chat


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