Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Treat your body like the Ferrari that it is"

If we all had a Ferrari, i bet we would wash it every week, clean the inside most days, be on time with it's service and love it like nothing else - and this is how we need to treat our body.
We should listen to our bodies and if required ( as none of us are the same) book in for regular massage, chiro, soft tissue treatment etc.
Personally, I see someone every two weeks ( soft tissue therapist & a myotherapist ) and boy has this made a difference to the way my body feels. This allows me to train the way I need to with no major side effects (injury prevention).
For me, I'm hoping to see this pay off with some good results over the next 6-8 months - PB's are what we all want.
Long and the sort of it all - Treat your body like a king as its the only one you have (too hard to get spare parts!!!) and all the training that you put in will pay off.
Once again, I'm off for a COFFEE


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our bodies could never be considered as Ferrari's - we have nerves and senses!!!!! A simple service on our bodies is an hour of pain and torture in many cases. To keep us in race trim and allow us to race at our peak we not only push our bodies to their limits in training, we also push the self inflicted pain barrier with regular services (massage etc)- if it don,t hurt, there in no gain for you in the treatment. We are a strange breed in many ways!!!!

Maybe a cold beer and the self satisfaction at the end of a race is enough!!!!!!!!!!

Big Boy