Thursday, August 23, 2007

Your legs will love it

listening to Today's blog comes to me after my 5am run. For the first time in a long time I ran with my Ipod listening to tri-talk pod casts ( - The info on this site is pure GOLD
My run was at E1+ for 70 minutes - nice easy session - however listening to the podcast, my mind wondered from what is was doing and I did a little forest gump and kept running. 90 minutes later I though I should head home!!
Listening to my Ipod is something I wont do too often (as we don't race with one) however today was a nice break - and my legs loved it (Hence the title) as I wasn't too focused on running - I just hope my technique was OK!!!! :).
In case your wondering, yes I kept my HR where is was meant to be.
This now comes back to a lot of info I have received from my training mates telling me it's good to break things up every now & then.
A change of scenery whether it be in your mind or as a visual can be just what the doctor ordered.
And just whats needed for the next Ironman

The key that I have found when running with training buddies is that you will need to be a little picky as to who you run with. It can be easy to fall into a "slower" run than you would normally do if running with someone slower than you. luckily for me, most of my training mates are quicker than me so I work a little harder than I meant to which in turn has helped me improve my running.
Chow for now

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