Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The "Weight" Game

As we all know, a lot of this "triathlon game" is about what weight we can race at. A great new friend of mine "CrankITKomo " has been a great help in helping me train my mind to achieve the weight I need to be at so that my body is happy to race at. In saying this, I'm not there yet but come April 2008 and I intend on being super fit at 69.9 kgs - Well thats the goal - and we all know that we are goals setters in this caper!
I can only recommend doing with with a training buddy as they can be a fantastic influence in achieving your weight target - and along the way you learn so much.
One rule that I'm slowly starting to understand is that our body fluctuates with it's weight by both water retention and a bit too much food at times! For me, its about 1 - 2 kgs.
This also depends on where we are at with our training and what coach T has us doing.
I've started to cut down on my meal portions at night and if I get hungry - Watermelon is my best friend ! YUM
Q: What tips and tricks do you all have - Yes i know - Eat less & sleep more - Does anyone out there have a favourite food that gets them through a "time of need?"

1 comment:

Komo said...


I like to remove starchy carbs after 3pm and replace them with the fibrous kind. Also include lean protein with every single meal, it controls your insulin release which curbs the cravings.

The added benefit of the extra protein, it has the highest thermic effect of any food, roughly 30%! WTF does that mean, basically, for every 100 calories that you shove down your MAW, 30 of those calories are used to just digest the protein, GOLD!

Hey when all else fails, a big mother truckin' jar of NUTELLA hits the spot.

