Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Pain is in your Mind"

As for my previous "tough week", things became a little "tougher". I have had a tingling sensation on my ribs over the past 3 weeks or so and after a discussion with a couple of training mates, it was off to the doctor I go ... long and the short of it all, the Doctor tells me that i have "Shingles" .... Shingles???? what the????. Well as most of you may know, it's the adult version of chicken pox and comes to life when you are "run down". Tired / run down, we all feel this way most of the time due to training the way we do.
Does it hurt? Nah ... just read the title :)
Any way, enough about that and more about my prep for Gold Coast.
All flights are booked, I have arranged to borrow some race wheels from Komo ( Thanks mate) and I'm continually being told by all that GC is mine (well you know what I mean).
With only 18 days left, it's now time to consolidate all the miles that we have done, keep up the quality of work that Mat has me doing now and bring home the bacon (Thats a PB)
Unfortunately I have a work conference over the next few days which only slightly throws out my training - Maybe a morning off might be the best thing for me? only time will tell.
Like a training buddy of mine, the run has become a fav of mine hence the 5am start tomorrow before heading down to Torquay tomorrow at 7am.
It looks like a few additional runs will be coming my way!
To finish off with a fav quote of mine

"Pain is in your Mind"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always thought 'shingles' was a nerves issue.

Maybe consider Gold Coast as an extended training session. Think only about running the tank to empty (absolutely nothing left) and see what results that brings - similar goal setting just different mind game!!!!!

Big Boy