Sunday, January 20, 2008

"When it rains they sleep"

Today was the end of week one of an endurance phase which has seen lots of K's riding & running.
Today, Pistol Pete & I rode out on our journey towards to cold & wet town of Ballarat - and we weren't disappointed - Yep, it rained all the way there and half the way back!
As we had plenty of time to talk & think about what we were doing, my thoughts went along the lines of - YES, we are the only ones out here....... conclusion, "When it rains they sleep"
I must say that riding with Pistol is fantastic as his passion and reason for doing what we do is first class...... and he can ride!!!!!....... he has an engine and it's about to be unleashed!!!!
When I woke this morning I could hear the rain smashing down on the roof, for a brief moment I thought to myself now nice that was until I remembered that I was to be riding in it only an hour later.
Back to reason for this blog ..... I can only hope that the conditions at both Geelong & Pt Mac are like today as a fair amount of my competitors would have rolled over and said "Not today".
I know that the hard core group at ETPA would have jumped out of bed like they do every morning with one thing in mind. Train & train hard ..... the results will then look after themselves.
I have a mirror image of training this week so the legs may be looking for a well earned massage by the end of the week in preparation for the Geelong Half Ironman. From there it's off to Pt Mac and after last year when it gave me a good slapping, this and many more "endurance phase" training sets will give me the tools I need to give it one back ..... as I will be taking a secret weapon with me ... it's called HTFU.
Off to get me another mug of liquid gold

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep lots of rain out this side - and they were nowhere to be seen - only me, the rain and the usual traffic. The man at the service station was very upset about a rain soaked rider walking thru his store to get a drink - out came the yellow "floor wet" signs!!!!!

Will get me one of those HTFU weapons as well.

Big Boy