Saturday, December 8, 2007

"The weight game"

As we move into summer, all my training and focus us on Pt Maq - April 2008.
So with the heavy amount of training it was time to really stick tight & true to my diet.
Of late I have been having a protein bar after training - as to do the right thing for my old body. From there I have been really strict about the amount of food that I'm eating and
If anything I have been under eating.
Here is the funny thing - since I have taken on the protein bars, I have put on weight ... what the!
Even though it's only 800 grams, I would have thought that my weight would have dropped ... which it was 2 weeks ago.
So here it is - from today, I'm going to consume only natural protein ( Fish, Chicken etc ) with NO artificial "performance bars" etc.
If anyone out there has a theory on this, please let me know

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff Boy, yep I was in the same boat as you - but for the run into IMNZ I am leaving no stone unturn - thus I have consulted a lady sport nutritionist - my weight issues were caused by under eating and my body going into starvation mode, thus storing everything it could get its littles hands on. Just be aware body weight increase is not necessarily bad - muscle is heavier than fat - judge by your cloths fit - maybe consult someone who knows about the amount of food intake you require that works with the exercise intensity and amount you are doing.

Don't be to critical on yourself, life is there to enjoy as well, with a few goodies along the way.

Big Boy