Monday, September 24, 2007

"Now is the time"

Well the time has come to put all of the training into action.
Its time to remember all the cold mornings with the gang out at wildwood road climbing hills for hours, its time to remember all the hard yards running off the bike and many sessions in the pool.
My weight has been slowly (yes slowly) coming off which is the right sign! :)
So where am I going you ask ... The Gold Coast awaits!
Sunday 30th September 2007 - Gold Coast half ironman.
This will be the time for me to have a crack and give it all I have.
A big thanks to all of those that have helped me -
  • Komo
  • Damo
  • Princess
  • Jimmy D
  • Archie
  • Big Pete
  • Big Boy
  • Jess
  • and many others ( sorry if I missed you)
  • oh ... thats right ... and Matty Tippet ... you da man!:)
It's all up to me now
I'll let you know how I go
"Pain is in your Mind"


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Pain is in your Mind"

As for my previous "tough week", things became a little "tougher". I have had a tingling sensation on my ribs over the past 3 weeks or so and after a discussion with a couple of training mates, it was off to the doctor I go ... long and the short of it all, the Doctor tells me that i have "Shingles" .... Shingles???? what the????. Well as most of you may know, it's the adult version of chicken pox and comes to life when you are "run down". Tired / run down, we all feel this way most of the time due to training the way we do.
Does it hurt? Nah ... just read the title :)
Any way, enough about that and more about my prep for Gold Coast.
All flights are booked, I have arranged to borrow some race wheels from Komo ( Thanks mate) and I'm continually being told by all that GC is mine (well you know what I mean).
With only 18 days left, it's now time to consolidate all the miles that we have done, keep up the quality of work that Mat has me doing now and bring home the bacon (Thats a PB)
Unfortunately I have a work conference over the next few days which only slightly throws out my training - Maybe a morning off might be the best thing for me? only time will tell.
Like a training buddy of mine, the run has become a fav of mine hence the 5am start tomorrow before heading down to Torquay tomorrow at 7am.
It looks like a few additional runs will be coming my way!
To finish off with a fav quote of mine

"Pain is in your Mind"


Saturday, September 8, 2007

"Tough Week"

Well it's been a tough week at work and training. As we know, work pays the bills and allows me to train & participate in the amazing sport of Ironman. This week has shown me that know matter what challenges I face, I can manage them in a way that delivers a successful outcome for all.
I have also shown myself that I can combine the two (work & training) when the pressure is on both and come out on the other side better for it.
With only 3 weeks from Gold Coast Half Ironman, I'm starting to get pumped up and it's now time to "switch on". This is what we all train for ...... racing!
I wouldn't call it luck, however I'm blessed to have an awesome bunch of training partners /athletes in the same corner that provide inspiration, motivation & most of all share the same hard work as we all do. Combine this with Coach Mat, and we as a team have a very successful formula.
The body is feeling ok - well a few sore spots are starting to appear but nothing that wont be ironed out over the next week or two
Today consisted of a strong swim session - this is just the build into tomorrow which for me is a "race day rehearsal".

I'm sure I'll provide you with a wrap up of the day
Until then, time for me to rest and maybe a BIG cup of Coffee

Sunday, September 2, 2007

No hiding!

Well the Coach is back from a well earned holiday / honeymoon and I have no doubt he is ready to push us all as the 2007 - 2008 season of triathlon is just around the corner.
For me, my first race of the season is the Gold Coast half Ironman on Sunday 30Th September - Yes only 4 weeks away.
The past week for me has been a good one in terms of training - All boxes were ticked.
So now is the time for me to make sure that I watch my food, listen to my body, and train the house down so that I can achieve my goal - A PB of course!!
This will show me what a cold winter in Melbourne has done for me and all the freezing morning's that a group of us spent climbing "Wild wood road" over & over again has done for my strength.
I know my running has improved with a couple of results in a 10K & Half Marathon heading in the right direction (quicker)
For me, there is No Hiding - time to put my balls on the line, be tough & disciplined on myself over the next 4 weeks and bring back a positive result.
Too Late for a COFFEE now - I'm off to bed - a 5:30am swim awaits me!
