Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Treat your body like the Ferrari that it is"

If we all had a Ferrari, i bet we would wash it every week, clean the inside most days, be on time with it's service and love it like nothing else - and this is how we need to treat our body.
We should listen to our bodies and if required ( as none of us are the same) book in for regular massage, chiro, soft tissue treatment etc.
Personally, I see someone every two weeks ( soft tissue therapist & a myotherapist ) and boy has this made a difference to the way my body feels. This allows me to train the way I need to with no major side effects (injury prevention).
For me, I'm hoping to see this pay off with some good results over the next 6-8 months - PB's are what we all want.
Long and the sort of it all - Treat your body like a king as its the only one you have (too hard to get spare parts!!!) and all the training that you put in will pay off.
Once again, I'm off for a COFFEE


Sunday, August 26, 2007

" Colder the Better"

After yesterdays 2 hr run & a swim to back it up, my left hip was a little sore last night. As I had Sunday off I thought I would go down to Altona and support / watch a few of the team compete in the local Duathlon. - So i thought to myself, why not bring your swim bag and do a cold water recovery and watch the race at the same time. Well I did and my legs / hip feel FANTASTIC. I have always rated the cold water recovery however I have been doing my recovery at home in the bath - well I can say (for me) that there is no comparison at all. The Beach water wins hands down! And as we know - the colder the better - Yes my feet & ankles freeze for the first couple of minutes but then its great. I had to walk a little further than normal as the tide was out, but I must say that the extra walking took my mind off the water temp!
So when your muscles are saying "ooouch", remember - COLD water is your friend - and at the time is your best friend.
Coach T told me that you need a minimum of 12 minutes for the water to "do it's thing" and 30 minutes is the cut off ( No benefit after that time)
If anyone has any recovery tips, please post a comment

I'm off for a COFFEE


Friday, August 24, 2007

VO2 - Yes it can MAX you out

Well I think I have just had a good taste of what happens (to my body) when I have a crack at my Thursday night Mag trainer sessions.
Last night we had a 13 minute race pace effort with all the bells & whistles at the end of the session. This is where I hit 98% of my VO2 max. I was feeling great - got home had a lovely piece of fish and some salad ( nice protein fix ) and as soon as I hit the pillow - GAWN - Good night me!!!
So there is the build up - what I'm getting at is my swim this morning - 16 x 200 with 15 sec rest - Not too hard I hear you saying - think again. I was smashed after 8 and the last 8 I must say weren't real quality - just hanging on - And I thought this was a recovery week. Well other than the past 12 hours, it hasn't been too bad. I can only see this as a real benefit to my swimming as I'm seeing very small signs of improvement.
The question that I pose is: When should we aim to "max" out and for how long in a training session?
"Train as you play" was always heard by the coach at footy training - If we maxed out all the time I would guess that most of us would crumble very quickly.
Interesting thought and if any of you have a thought on this please let me know.

I'm off to get a COFFEE


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Your legs will love it

listening to Today's blog comes to me after my 5am run. For the first time in a long time I ran with my Ipod listening to tri-talk pod casts ( - The info on this site is pure GOLD
My run was at E1+ for 70 minutes - nice easy session - however listening to the podcast, my mind wondered from what is was doing and I did a little forest gump and kept running. 90 minutes later I though I should head home!!
Listening to my Ipod is something I wont do too often (as we don't race with one) however today was a nice break - and my legs loved it (Hence the title) as I wasn't too focused on running - I just hope my technique was OK!!!! :).
In case your wondering, yes I kept my HR where is was meant to be.
This now comes back to a lot of info I have received from my training mates telling me it's good to break things up every now & then.
A change of scenery whether it be in your mind or as a visual can be just what the doctor ordered.
And just whats needed for the next Ironman

The key that I have found when running with training buddies is that you will need to be a little picky as to who you run with. It can be easy to fall into a "slower" run than you would normally do if running with someone slower than you. luckily for me, most of my training mates are quicker than me so I work a little harder than I meant to which in turn has helped me improve my running.
Chow for now

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

OZ IM Pt Mac 2007

"Getting wet"

I'm finally starting to enjoy my swimming training - its only taken me about 10 months to get to this stage. I'm actually going to swim squad now and for some reason I'm looking forward to it!
Its not that I havent liked swimming - I love the water however swimming a mear 2 ks isnt as easy as it sounds - especially when you havent swam for 15 years +.
So to all you out there that have the little demon in your head saying .... DONT SWIM ANYMORE or THATS ENOUGH ..... tell the demon to go and get ....... well you know where I'm heading with that !!
I wanted to let you all know that yes it does get easier and yes you will start to become fun just like Mag trainer sessions and those long Saturday sessions that we do.
Personally, I'm finding that my new friend Mr Paddles have been a great help in building up my shoulder and chest strength.
As mentioned in my previous blog, my mate Komo has been a great help in picking up many of my flaws in this swimming caper - So the suggestion once again is to work with a mate as you will both help out each other regardless of your ability. You wont wake up in the morning and hit the snooze button because you have committed to helping out your mate- and yes it will be easier as we dont like to let our mates down.
I keep reminding myself that you need a minimum of 20,000 repartitions to create memory routine. Based on 40 strokes per 50 mtr pool, you only need 500 Ks before your arms know what the hell is going on!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The "Weight" Game

As we all know, a lot of this "triathlon game" is about what weight we can race at. A great new friend of mine "CrankITKomo " has been a great help in helping me train my mind to achieve the weight I need to be at so that my body is happy to race at. In saying this, I'm not there yet but come April 2008 and I intend on being super fit at 69.9 kgs - Well thats the goal - and we all know that we are goals setters in this caper!
I can only recommend doing with with a training buddy as they can be a fantastic influence in achieving your weight target - and along the way you learn so much.
One rule that I'm slowly starting to understand is that our body fluctuates with it's weight by both water retention and a bit too much food at times! For me, its about 1 - 2 kgs.
This also depends on where we are at with our training and what coach T has us doing.
I've started to cut down on my meal portions at night and if I get hungry - Watermelon is my best friend ! YUM
Q: What tips and tricks do you all have - Yes i know - Eat less & sleep more - Does anyone out there have a favourite food that gets them through a "time of need?"