Thursday, December 11, 2008

WA Ironman 2008

So it starts like this. The biggest ETPA crew heads to WA to have a crack at the Ironman. A few first timers at IM and a few that have done them before. But don't be fooled by the first timers - these boys move fast! For me, I'm looking for a PB in all legs of the race. I'm feeling good in the water compared to previous races and the bike course is quick which will help due to the limited riding compared to my last race. As for the run, I have been doing a lot more running and I'm starting to feel good.

In the couple of days leading up to the race I was so nervous - more than any other race!

So to the start line we head. The swim is an out and back along the Busso jetty - yep one long jetty!!!

After all the official hoo haa the gun goes off and we are away. As it’s a straight swim it’s a bit messy for a while with lots of banging and crashing going on! I was nice and polite and moved out of the way of those who lost their GSP - I don't think so - I gave as good as I got ;). Half way out it cleared up and there was some clear water and I found a rhythm. Heading back in was quite relaxing and I tried to concentrate on what little technique that I have J As I got out of the water, the clock said 1:03:30 - that's a PB in the swim and I’m happy with that - two more to go! Into T 1 and relaxed I was. Took my time then out I went on the 180 k ride. I found a rhythm straight away and shortly after I caught up with Greer from WSTC. We legally rode together for just about the entire trip. At about 50 odd K’s Jimmy M joined in for the ride and once again we worked together. I thought to myself, G knows what she's doing and the speed was what I had planned to do so let’s be smart and bank some pennies for the run. Not much else to report on the ride as it’s flat and boring! Into T 2 I went in with Greer and Benny R and the both got out before me as I changed out of my race suit into a singlet and running knicks. Off I went for a 42.2 k run. The run was tuff from the start but if I could run the same as pt Macq I would finish around 10:40 ish and if I had a 4 hour run in me I was looking and 10:20 +. Well not to be as my knee decided not to play and packed in at around the 8 k mark. My splits show that early I was on track for the run that I had been training for and I was actually looking at a 3:50 run. Game on I thought for just a moment! Well I tried to pick up the pace on the second lap which I did but it was only a matter of time before it (the knee) shut down totally.

I finally shuffled across the line in just over 11:14. While this was no where near what I wanted or had been training for, it was a PB if only just!

In summary, the swim was good; the bike was good and the run not so good. The saving grace on the run is that I know what went wrong and it was something out of my control.

My nutrition was good and I had no stomach issues at all – 80 grams per hour on the bike suited me perfectly.

What would I do different you ask – I would make sure that I didn’t change in T2 …. What goes on under the wetsuit is it for the race – the decision is WHAT? Is it a one piece race suit or is it a 2 piece knicks and race singlet ……. The latter is my preference.

I would also arrive on the Wednesday prior to the race (Not on the Thursday as I did this time) – I didn’t feel that I had enough time with registration on the Friday and bike check in on the Saturday I personally felt that I didn’t have enough time to relax while getting in the last minute training that I needed to do. Flying out on the Tuesday was fine.

As for the support – Dam awesome again. It’s a long day for the spectators and to stay load and happy all day is fantastic.

A MASSIVE thanks to Jessica (my fantastic partner) and my little boy Oskar who have never complained once and continually supported me – I think they are happy that I’m out of the pubs J

The entire Big Boy Clan where great along with everyone else who was there in full voice ….. Oh yeh - and the Coach …. Matty was there supporting all of his lads all of the way not only on the day but every day of the year – Thanks Mat, your support is awesome and very much appreciated. A special mention must go out to a good mate - Komo. This guy is a machine – Massive engine and an even bigger heart and an awesome family. He has helped me so much in my training….. As they say, you get faster training with faster people …. And this guy is FAST! …. So Komo, thanks mate ;)

So it’s moving forward now to Geelong 70.3 …. I have already jumped back into the pool and felt good. With some continued work on my knee I will be back on track next week ready to push out another PB (fingers crossed J ) and tick another box.

Until we meet again!

Craaaaaaank IT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great effort in WA, thanks for your little advice along the way.

Look forward to another season of craaaaankin it!!
