Monday, March 10, 2008

Geelong 70.3 race report

Yeh I know, it's late - but hey, better late than never!

Geelong 70.3

Coming into this race, a few of us have been putting in the miles for the journey of Pt Macq in mind ….. So no real taper for this one!

Matty had indicated that there was going to be NO real speed for this race as this was a prep for IM OZ

Going into the swim, I was reasonably comfortable.

Training had been going along well and I was ready to have a good swim.

So hear we go.

As the pro’s continually drifted forward 50+ meters from the start, the gun went off. Us age groupers had to then wait another 5 minutes before they let us go.


Into the swim we went all 1100 athletes heading to the first buoy at 500m.

I think my good mate Komo punched me smack fair in the jaw after about 10 stokes or so ….. So my thoughts were correct, this is going to be nasty!

And yep, it was. As we hit the first turn, BANG …. We are heading east and straight into the sun, can’t see a thing …. But I wasn’t on my own, 1100 others were having the same issue.

Throughout the swim, I was kicked in the throat once, kicked in the “Back tyres’ twice, punched more times that I could keep count of and had my goggles ripped of once … so out of the water in 35 + minutes

T2 was OK … no real story … all went OK ….. Although I could have got my wetsuit off a bit quicker!


Off for a 90k roll and for the first 5 minutes that’s all it was. The traffic of bikes throughout the parklands was crazy. Once I hit the HWY, I was able to find a rhythm and off I went. Control was my motto for the day and this is what I did.

I got my HR down into E2B+ and that’s were it stayed ….. Other that climbing the hills!

All was going well and even keeping to this HR I was set to ride a 2:36 – 2:38ish which is what I was looking for at that effort.

UNTIL – A fat doughnut eating official pinged me for drafting … and what made things even worse was that when he pinged me, he told me that I was drafting some 3ks back from where we were at the time and this was after I had climbed the hill and was all alone … WTF!

Off to the penalty box I go …. Waiting, waiting!!!!

Lucky it was the last lap and after the 5 minute penalty, I was off for a short ride back into transition.

Ride time of 2:44 with a 5 minute penalty


Control was still the call …. Stay in control and don’t let a fat doughnut eating bum spoil my day.

So off I went and from the word go, I felt comfortable. HR was into the 150’sand I was feeling nice.

Lap 1 came and went and I was happy as I was feeling fine ….. no real pain, my back was in good knick and I had forgotten about Mr Doughnut King

Lap 2 was good as I was slowly picking off a few people and still feeling fine. I was sticking to my plan of “NOT” looking around for others and keeping a lid on things. Lap 3 was nice and controlled. HR stayed the same for the entire run and legs were good……… easy to say now I know, however I did feel I could have kept going!

Run time of 1:43

Over all in the lead up to Pt Macq, I was a happy camper


Anonymous said...

Without officials Geelong 70.3 would not take place.....

Caff said...

Thanks for your feedback and yep your spot on - we need officials and without them we have no race.We also need them to assist by pointing out to us age groupers when we're doing something wrong. for me, it was like getting a parking fine the day after you were in a parking spot ! if you get what I mean. Anyway, my report wasn't about an official, it was about the race.
Chow for now