Saturday, March 14, 2009


I’m sure that those in the sport of Ironman Triathlon get asked the same question over & over …. “Why?”
For me, the answer is that this is a sport that allows anyone to compete and in quite a few cases (other than Kona where you need to qualify) to race with and against the best in the world. At Geelong 70.3, we all raced with Craig Alexander who is the current Ironman world champion and also held the world title over the Half Ironman distance – What a thrill to see this machine in action!!!
Ironman for me not only has helped me get my health & fitness back after many years of treating my body like the town circus, it has also helped me “calm down” and look at many things in a different light. The most important thing being my family (which at time I took for granted). I have met so many great people out of Triathlon and people with so many experiences to call on for help / knowledge when needed.
So in 3 weeks time, I head to Pt Macquarie with my family (Jess & Oskar) in tow to compete in my 3rd Australian Ironman and 4th IM over all. Naturally the goal is to have a PB in each leg and do the best I can – yes I have a few personal goals that I have set and will let you in on at my post race review ;)
This preparation has been solid with more of a run focus and on a personal note, I have been extremely focused on losing as much of the unwanted kilos as possible J Currently I’m sitting comfortably at 72.3 kgs (last weekend I weighted in at 71.3) and with a strong & focused mind I can loose another 1 -1.5 kgs over the next 2 weeks and hit to 70 kg mark. This will then see me the lightest I have been for an Ironman or Half Ironman race and hopefully a quicker timeJ. Yes I know that hard training is the key and I can say that I have ticked the box on what the coach has presented me with in the lead up to IM.
Tomorrow will be another solid 7.5 hr day. This will cap off all the long miles that I have been doing and tomorrow is all about quality. Flick the focus switch and put the hard work down and enjoy the experience.
From there, it will be more about fast work, short and sharp while not getting injured or sick.
So for now, a little rest then play with Jnr for a while!
Stay tuned.